Practice ELA Exercises in Week 18 with Topics about Amanda Gorman plus COVID’s Impact of Obesity

The objective for our Week 18 lessons is to teach critical reading and thinking skills using current news about “Morgan State University president offers inauguration poet Amanda Gorman a job” (Level 1 lesson) and “‘How the COVID pandemic has impacted issues of obesity” (Level 2 lesson).

Some of the exercises of this week’s Level 1 lesson include:

  • Vocabulary Homophones: Identify and define at least three homophones in the article.
  • Cause and Effect: What was one result of the poet’s recital at the inauguaration? Cite evidence to support your answer.
  • “Drawing Conclusions Making Inferences”: Discuss ideas about fruit, quinoa, and other foods.
  • More exercises are available in the Extensions Activities

Some of the exercises of this week’s Level 2 lesson include:

  • Vocabulary Multimeaning Words: Define and explain three multimeaning words in the article.
  • Main Idea and Key Points: Write a sentence that expresses the main idea. Then, identify at least three details in the article that support the main idea.
  • “Drawing Conclusions Making Inferences”: Give three examples of nutrient-dense foods.
  • More exercises are available in the Extensions Activities


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