Week 22 has current articles for students about Good Oral Health plus Louisville’s Black History Tour

The objective for our Week 22 lessons is to teach critical reading and thinking skills using current news about “Why good oral health is more than a beautiful smile” (Level 1 lesson) and “Louisville launches Black Heritage Tour Collection” (Level 2 lesson).

Some of the exercises of this week’s Level 1 lesson include:

  • Vocabulary Multimeaning Words: Define/explain the following words as they are used in the article: gum (para. 2); brush (para. 5); worn (para. 9). Next, write one unrelated definition for each of these words.
  • Main Idea and Key Details: Write a sentence that expresses the main idea of the article. Identify at least three details in the article that support the main idea.
  • “Drawing Conclusions Making Inferences”: What is one thing you should do daily to practice good oral hygiene? Explain.
  • More exercises are available in the Extensions Activities

Some of the exercises of this week’s Level 2 lesson include:

  • Vocabulary Idioms: What is meant by the phrase “shed a new light on,” which is found in paragraph #7 of the article? Use this phrase in an original sentence.
  • Fact and Opinion: List three facts from the article. Identify the paragraphs where these facts are located. Why are these facts?
  • “Drawing Conclusions Making Inferences”: Which of the tours or exhibits described in this week’s article would you most like to take part in or visit? Explain your answer.
  • More exercises are available in the Extensions Activities


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